Finding Freedom in a Tent
  Many peak experiences in my life have somehow involved needing a tent. I had never actually slept in a tent until I was eighteen and I signed up for a thirty ...
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Tapping Into Creativity
It was one of those days where you feel like a walking accident waiting to happen; everything you touch either breaks, falls or doesn’t work. My accompanying state of mind was scattered ...
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How Decisions Factor in Art
I often mention to my drawing students that being an artist means you have to make art decisions. What to work on, when to work, how long, what subject matter; once you’re ...
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Night Riding - Another Dimension to Winter
In the winter, night falls early.  That’s when a few hardy folks pull the bucket of lights, Velcro straps and batteries out of the cupboard and start charging.
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Family Bonding on the Sayward Lakes
We were faced with a few unknowns when we left for the Sayward Lakes Canoe Circuit this summer for a family trip.  For instance, we had little previous experiences with canoeing that ...
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Living Room
My initial inspiration for this image was to paint a cozy living room in a dark inhospitable setting as a reflection on how people support each other and find connection within challenging ...
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The Art of Noticing Things
Have you ever played Boggle and found every word there was possibly to find, only to suffer the shock that your opponent found fifteen words you didn’t see at all?  In life ...
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Sharing the Wild
People thrive when they have easy access to wilderness experiences.  Large tracts of undeveloped public land – such as (in the Comox Valley) the trails in Cumberland, along the Puntledge River, the ...
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Where is Inspiration?
One question an artist often gets asked is: “where do you find your inspiration?” I usually say “nature” instead of the real answer which is much longer and harder to pinpoint.
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Animal Teachers
As a child I remember how much animals captured my imagination – I saw them as potential yet often elusive friends.  I wanted to be an animal doctor when I grew up ...
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