Keep Dreams Alive
What is your dream?  We may have fantasies about what we would like to happen, but knowing how to make them come true may be about as clear as trying to see ...
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Like Riding A Bike - Getting Creative Work Done
I’ve always disliked goals – maybe it’s because my goals weren’t set in reality.  I tried goals to “do a painting every week”, or “make set amount of money” but it just ...
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What Is The Purpose?
But it is not always easy to know what our unique purpose is.  So, I wonder if we can just feel rest assured that there are two true purposes for every human ...
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Unexpected Lessons Learned in a Renovation
It started with digging a giant hole in front of our house – an equally large pile of dirt sat in our front yard, which was soon joined by a surprising amount ...
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Peace is in Patience
I think “patience” is an underrated, yet very valuable quality to have.  Patience means being able to tolerate long periods of things not looking like they are progressing, or are like they ...
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Tapping Into Creativity
It was one of those days where you feel like a walking accident waiting to happen; everything you touch either breaks, falls or doesn’t work. My accompanying state of mind was scattered ...
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How Decisions Factor in Art
I often mention to my drawing students that being an artist means you have to make art decisions. What to work on, when to work, how long, what subject matter; once you’re ...
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Getting Into the Water
What motivates us to draw, play the guitar or do anything that we have at one point decided will change the quality of our lives, help us grow, make us better people ...
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