A Wild Experience - Hiking the Hesquiat Peninsula
At the end of August I hiked the Hesquiat trail with my husband and four other friends.  The trail follows the coast of the Hesquiat Peninsula, a large promontory just south of ...
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How Colour Makes Me Feel
I’ve often imagined that observing bright colours, especially in nature, was like taking vitamins.  The neon green moss in the forest in February, an intense dark blue sky behind white snowy trees, ...
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The Creative Focus at MISSA
In hindsight, I can see that it was a random chain of events that led me to teach drawing at the Metchosin Summer School of the Arts (MISSA) this July.
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Making Tracks on the West Coast Trail
In May 2024 I hiked the West Coast Trail, for the second time (last time was about 2004), with a couple friends.  The trail is a 75km journey that steals its way ...
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Keep Dreams Alive
What is your dream?  We may have fantasies about what we would like to happen, but knowing how to make them come true may be about as clear as trying to see ...
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Did the Dinosaurs Think?
It can be hard to believe, that we live our day to day lives on land that was once shaped by ice or volcanic lava, been the bottom of an ocean, or ...
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The Shaping of Worlds - The Legacy of Alexander Von Humboldt
We may not always realize how individuals and movements throughout time have shaped how we view the world today.  One example I recently learned about was in Andrea Wulf’s book:  The Invention ...
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Like Riding A Bike - Getting Creative Work Done
I’ve always disliked goals – maybe it’s because my goals weren’t set in reality.  I tried goals to “do a painting every week”, or “make set amount of money” but it just ...
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