Cougar Annie and the Art of Survival
Cougar Annie was a legendary character on the west coast.  At the end of a five-day hike around the Hesquiat Peninsula with friends, we received a tour of Cougar Annie’s garden led ...
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The Shaping of Worlds - The Legacy of Alexander Von Humboldt
We may not always realize how individuals and movements throughout time have shaped how we view the world today.  One example I recently learned about was in Andrea Wulf’s book:  The Invention ...
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Like Riding A Bike - Getting Creative Work Done
I’ve always disliked goals – maybe it’s because my goals weren’t set in reality.  I tried goals to “do a painting every week”, or “make set amount of money” but it just ...
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Seeing the Forest and the Trees
Giant trees have an aura.  When I walked through the “Old Growth Loop” at Elk Falls Park, I had the same feeling I sometimes get walking through an art gallery.   You have ...
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Where is Inspiration?
One question an artist often gets asked is: “where do you find your inspiration?” I usually say “nature” instead of the real answer which is much longer and harder to pinpoint.
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My Friend the Weekly Planner
A weekly planner has been part of my daily life for over ten years now.  There are countless ways of keeping track of life’s commitments; such as in a wall calendar, computer ...
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Book Review: "Imagine: How Creativity Works" by Jonah Lehrer
I really enjoyed this recommendation by a visitor on the studio tour. The main lesson in this book is that creativity shouldn’t be thought of as strictly the realm of artists or ...
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