Making Tracks on the West Coast Trail
In May 2024 I hiked the West Coast Trail, for the second time (last time was about 2004), with a couple friends.  The trail is a 75km journey that steals its way ...
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Keep Dreams Alive
What is your dream?  We may have fantasies about what we would like to happen, but knowing how to make them come true may be about as clear as trying to see ...
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What Is The Purpose?
But it is not always easy to know what our unique purpose is.  So, I wonder if we can just feel rest assured that there are two true purposes for every human ...
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Treading on Traditional Territory
Last spring, I went on a field trip with my son’s grade 11 English “First People’s” class to Mac Laing Park in Comox with Dr. Jesse Morin, a local archeologist.  The experience ...
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How Curiosity Makes Our Universe Expand
Curiosity makes us smarter and is also a quality that is essential for adding joy and wonder to our lives.  Ideally we keep nurturing this curiosity into adulthood, a time when we ...
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The Richness in Connecting to Place
The more I notice and respond to this place I live, the more my life becomes tied to it and the richer I feel.  Talking to and interacting with new and old ...
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The Surprising Lesson in "Alone"
This winter I watched the History Channel’s reality TV show “Alone”, where people get dropped off in the middle of the wilderness to see how long they can survive – whoever remains ...
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Do Trees Feel Time?
Walking through a forest I often think I am probably barely registering the very tip of what is actually happening there – the local language and lives of the resident plants and ...
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