Protector, 2023

There’s been lots of focus on trees lately.  There are new books about how trees communicate with each other through a mycelium network, store carbon or have entire ecosystems in their canopy.  As well, old-growth protests are ongoing and forest fires have been top of mind this summer. We are maybe feeling our relationship to these beings more strongly as we learn more and at the same time, see them threatened by; fire, drought, industry, and human encroachment.

In this painting, depicting a tall Douglas fir tree from a human eye’s view, I am meditating on our connection to these resilient, powerful, beautiful and I would argue, even wise beings.  They are vital for our mental well-being, culture and also protect our environment here on the west coast by holding onto water, keeping soil intact and creating habitat for numerous species.  They are “protectors”.

Read my blog:  Seeing the Forest and the Trees HERE

Original:  30″ x 60″, acrylic on canvas, SOLD

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