Green House

Green House 2013
This painting was inspired by the late local environmental activist Ruth Masters, who lived near me and who we would often visit when she was in her 90’s. As we learned through her stories and the newspaper clippings taped on her walls, Ruth was proud to be a “senior shit-disturber”. She consistently annoyed developers and politicians in efforts to conserve wild areas and protect animals. Ruth’s house and property even seemed to attract wildlife, especially deer – because she fed them.
The painting, “Green House” symbolizes living with green ideals within a society largely indifferent to protecting the wild. Ruth had the spunk and bravery to be a wildlife defender, proudly standing up for what she believed in and encouraging others to do the same – which is why I will always admire her.
You know, the stakes are pretty high; we’re all going to lose badly if people don’t get off their butts and do something to reverse the collision course we’re on right now. Ruth Masters in “Us Dames Have Come a Long Way” with Hazel Lennox.
Original: 48″ x 48″ acrylic on wood